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Out of office…

One of our colleagues from the escape committee wrote…

PLEASE NOTE…The volcano gods returned me to the USA last night, but I will be in the office this morning only while I try to relearn the language and customs of this strange country. I will be back in on Monday. Thank you


Where i was born 17th July 1960. Aylesbury

Always good to visit the place of your birth. How interesting is the journey after this…


Wendover woods

On a pleasant day its always worth a walk in the woods. Nice views and atmosphere. The perfect place for a BBQ.

With a few tracks to walk along and a nice cafe for refreshment everyone is tempted to go and walk.It even has the feel of a biergarten.



New Bathroom for old

The shameful Avocado suite being replaced for new shiny white 🙂 First job is to get rid of the 30 year old tiles. 14 bags for tiles (life) needed

The walls have now been made good and a new radiator is ready to fit. Radiator fitted and all walls made good enough to […]


Lock gates

These lock gates were overflowing. Looks like the Grand Union could do with a little TLC


This is what i call a flat tyre!

While wandering around the lovely towm of Thame i spotted this abandoned bike.

I wonder if this is now a standard feature of Bike racks across the country. There is always a broken bike or one with a wheel missing. Do you think that someone is going round the country collecting wheels? Or maybe […]


All the birds love them…

An old joke but I’m sure it’s a deliberate ploy, ‘Fabulous Fat Balls’, Energy Boosting. I ask you…


Sometimes a courtesy car is a higher spec than you expect.



A full English on a Sunday morning.


Remote Control via Twitter

Remote control of your PC from Twitter! omputer-remotely-via-twitter.htm




A Big Red Virgin

On the way to golf I saw this tempting site at jct 14 on the M1. It must have been a very enjoyable trip.



Cauliflower cheese with bacon and mushrooms. Lovely!


A new start

This is my first post for a while and as such it wont be much.

After reading so many blogs and Twitter posts i’ve decided it’s time i had a go. Probably like so many other people i guess. Twitter has fascinated me by its popularity. When i first looked at it I just didn’t […]
