The release of Google Chrome OS brings an interesting play from Google.
Microsoft started with the OS with MSDOS and have gradually tried to maintain their dominance by using the browser. For a time this looked certain as they gradually stifled any competition. However, this has suffered a lately with the introduction of Safari and Firefox.
Google on the other hand started out with the browser and have gradually moved towards the OS. First came Android and now the Chrome OS. The are also leveraging their huge cloud type capability with Google Apps/Voice/Chat etc. Thier OS is primarily aimed at web enabling netbooks.
Apple took a differnet route. Having suffered initially with the dominance of Micosoft they found success with the iPod and learned the value of the user experience. The success of the iPod has also increased the MAC’s popularity and for usability it is untouchable. Along with this of course the MAC does have its own OS but interestingly now it can also run Windows.
This is perhaps a classic case of three market leaders with very different areas of competitive advantage. But how vulnerable are they? Each of the players are now exploring the others turf. Bandwidth and connectivity are gradually reaching saturation point. That is for most major cities broadband is now a commodity. Google have been moving into Microsofts space for some time with Google Apps. Apple hardware now runs Windows and Microsoft are now trying to poach some of the search engine market. Added to this are the retailers who are also trying to sell Cloud Apps.
It all leads to some interesting possibilities for the future as they begin to steal market share from each other. All we need now is CISCO to create an OS…
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