Eventually i was allowed to put weight back on my foot again. It was a relief after so long hobbling around. But what i wasnt prepared for was the throbbing pain in my foot. This lasted another 6 weeks or so and was due to the muscles not having being used. This was also frustrating as i assumed that once the pain in my leg stopped i was ok again. It must be really hard for people to adjust after a more serious break.
The doctor had been concerned that it was only my fibular that was broken. Its fairly likely that the ankle can also be broken from th ekind of accident i had.
What amazed me the most was how i managed to see so many doctors in one day. The time i was concerned about travelling i saw 2 doctos and the hospital emergency ward all in a morning. Which included 2 X-rays.
It seems that in Germany you have specialised Doctors. So there are Bone Doctors, Eye Doctors , Ladies Doctors, Ear Nose and Throat doctors etc. You just go to the one you need.
Thats exactly what i did for the Ear Doctor. It transpired that one day i just had to get my ears syringed. I had experienced this once in the UK and fainted afterwards much to everyone amusement but i can only say it was such an odd feeling and a little painful. To explain it a little…They inject warm water into your ear which blasts the wax out. So you feel a little dizzy and can hear so clearly that its no wonder i fainted…
So when i went to the German lady Ear specialist i was ready and expecting pain. But she had a new device which was more like a vacuum cleaner. But i wasnt ready for the pain. It felt like my brains were being sucked out through my ear!!!! oh god i didnt last long. A few minutes and i was in a cold sweat. next thing i know im laid on a bed and they are taking my blood pressure.
So i was sent packing with a prescription for alcohol to drip into my ear for a week before returning for another vacuum session. luckiliy the alcohol did its trick and i didnt need to be tortured for more than 2 minutes.
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