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I could write a lot about supermarkets in Munich. Suffice to say they are quite different. Ill start with a simple tale which will give you a idea of our experiences.

We had wandered around our local supermarket – AEZ – Amper Einkaufs Zentrum i think it was and we were going through the check out. This was an uncomfortable experience as the assistants just wanted you to get through so they would just throw your goods down the line and you had to pack. Well actually what you were meant to do was shove it all in your trolley and go off to a designated area and manually pack at your liesure. We never did of course so it upset thier system no end 😉 So there we are, im packing and my wife is feeding the conveyer belt as the belts were much smaller than in the UK. The checkout girl put an old roll of kitchen paper in front of me while i was packing our food. Puzzled by this as i knew it wasnt mine and besides it was used, i put it back to the side and carried on. She did this once more and glared at me. I was even more puzzled and so put it back again.

As there were two of us my wife would not pay until we had packed everything as this would then stop the assistant from throwing the next persons food down onto us. This also upset thier system and gained a few muttered comments from people but we carried on regardless.

It wasnt until we got in the car that my wife explained what the kitchen roll episode was all about. Apparently where the condensation from the frozen goods had made the conveyor belt wet i was supposed to dry it with the kitchen roll.!!!

Im sure i dont need to tell you my reaction.


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