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An excuse for a Party

It seems the Bavarians have a great way of just creating a party. There would be many occasions where they would set up a bar or a tent seemingly quite casually in a field and unload a few beer garden tables and before you know it there was a party. Of course it probably wasnt that simple but it just looked so easy.

One such ocasion was what they called the Weiher fest. Sometime in June they would build a huge fire in a field then a van would arrive one day and the tent would be built along with a beer bar. The afternoon would start with a brass band and loads of beer!

This picture is of the Weiher fest in Icking in the summer of 2003. They decided to celebrate by having rides on the raft on the local pond.

This picture below is hard to see and if i can edit it properly i will one day. But it shows the toilet facilities which in the background you will see are 3 portaloo type arrangememte. Bear in mind this was 10pm and so with no lighting it was a challenge! But not the lone chair in the foreground. Its purpose is to provide a table for the Loo Roll!


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