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It always amused me that whoever I met in Germany automatically assumed that it rained all the time in the UK. Its hardly suprising I suppose as the Brits use the weather as a means of opening conversation all the time. Having lived abroad I can now see why. The UK weather is inherently grey. I mean that if it isn’t raining or a bright sunny summers day then its just ‘grey’.

Whereas in Munich we had definite seasons but never many ‘grey’ days. There were so many of what I call Blue Sky days. Weather it was hot or cold the blue sky would be a starling reminder that you weren’t in the UK. But… The price for being so near the Alps was that it rained a lot. Not really for many days at a time but when it rained you knew about it. Especially one year when it rained so much and the snow melted in the Alps at the same time. This caused floods near Garmisch and also in some of the lakes nearby.

Here’s a pic of one of our favourite places. Herrsching on the Ammersee lake.

This one is of our favourite coffee shop. Its hard to imagine but the guys turned up for a coffee by boat! The water level is some 2 meters higher than it should be.


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